Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Fab Vintage Finds

Over the weekend I went to the Vintage Expo here in San Francisco. It was a great event...beautiful vintage clothing and accessories as far as the eye could see. I took photos of some of my favorite finds. However, an important tip about vintage clothing...things run really small. I am a size 2 and I tried on a size 4 dress that wouldn't zip up past my hip. Also, the arm holes run really tiny too.
This enameled necklace from "Trappings of Time" was one of my favorites.
These sweet little buttons from Unbuttons came in several different colors. I love these! A great way to spruce up an old shirt or cardigan.
This beautiful dress is detailed with little embroidered strawberries all over it. It's another one that I couldn't fit into :(
These vintage shoes were very cool, too bad they were a size 4. Feet were tiny back then!

One of my favorite booths was Anna Newman Vintage. There were all sorts of beautifully patterned skirts like this one.

Last but not least, were all of the cute little accessories. There were tons of hats like this one. It made me want to start a vintage hat collection.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Lost has been going on at Frolick since I last blogged. I hired a new part time design and administrative assistant named Saata...she is wonderful. She has only been with me since the beginning of February, but I honestly don't know how I got along without her. I have lots of photos post and happenings to catch you up on. I am currently preparing to go back to Atlanta for AmericasMart. This time I will be sharing my booth with designer friends Dara Ettinger and Liza Onychanya.

In other news...I am signing up for lots of great retail shows here in the Bay Area and LA as well. My two large projects at the moment are working on the relaunch of the bridal collection " Frolick Frosting" and launching a home party division of Frolick. I am also trying to be a better social networker so I am Twittering and Facebooking : )

So what have I been doing since my last post in November? Well, the launch party for Frolick Studio went very well...the pictures are above ( you can check out the finished studio in the pics). I did alot of traveling. I went from SF to Atlanta for market, then to LA to visit friends, then on to the Tuscon International Gem Show, and then only a week later I was headed to Paris for a few days. I have many pictures to post from my adventures, so I will post them a little at a time.

If I come across anything exciting that I missed, I will be sure to fill you in.