Friday, September 5, 2008

Excited to Be Here!

I have been a bad blogger in the past ( posting once a month...or even less), but this time I promise to do better. This is my busy season for Frolick, so I should have plenty of things to blog about. Right now it is 2am and I am still awake answering emails and invoicing orders. I am awake mostly because I had the worlds strongest iced coffee. I swore off coffee a couple of months ago, and this was my first relapse...I definitely learned my lesson. I went to a cute little coffee shop called Emma's, which is only 2 blocks from my house. The windows are like sliding glass I was able to catch a nice breeze and do some people watching...I guess I just got caught up in the moment. Anyway, it's off to bed now. I have an early day of making more orders! Check out a montage of my latest photo shoot. My photographer friend Christine Gallagher did the shoot for me. She is amazing! She was also my wedding photographer. I love checking out her blog, just to see her latest shoots.

1 comment:

Arrive Fashionably Lux said...

Love your New Blog & the Site -- Completely Fabulous. I will add you to Arrive Fashionably Lux!