Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Day and a Half of Relaxation!

I can't believe it is already Thanksgiving! Where does the time go? I am looking forward to a tasty family dinner tomorrow and just relaxing. Then Friday, it is back to work. I am preparing the studio for the Grand Opening next week and I am also making pieces for all of my upcoming shows. I will post a list soon. I am very excited about a photo shoot for the studio. I met a great photographer Karina Marie Diaz...she does amazing work and she is coming to the studio before the event to take some pictures. So for those of you that can't make the event, there will be lots of photos here on the blog. This is also the season for holiday parties. I am looking forward to 2 of them this coming week. Also, I thought I would post a before picture of the studio...

Saturday, November 22, 2008


The holidays are such a busy time for me. It makes me look forward to having some time off right before Christmas. I am hoping my parents decide to come out to SF for the holidays. The last time they visited, we were living in San Jose ( about 45 min. from SF), so now it will be alot more convenient and I can show them all of my favorite spots in the city.

Anyway, today was another day of studio preparation. My husband and I spent a little over an hour at Ikea ( it is like a jungle gym in there on the weekends) buying the last of the furniture. I bought some shelves and lighting. Tommorow we are going to head back over and assemble it all. Unfortunately, I have to head to Santa Rosa first thing in the morning ( a fun 1hr drive) just to drop off some pieces to one of my contractors for a rush.

I am really excited to see the finished product. On Tuesday I am meeting with my friend Helen who owns a fabric store in the neighborhood....she is going to design some custom drapes and pillows for me. She also has a great line of accessories she creates from her fabrics...check them out at . Below is a picture of some of her belts.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Design Studio in the Works

I am just settling in to watch Pushing Daisies, one of my favorite shows. I am ready to relax after a long day of moving into my new design studio. I am so excited to have a place to work as well as a small showroom. The building I am in is called Activ Space. It is a complex filled with small business owners. My office is in a courtyard on the 2nd floor and it will be open for shopping by appointment as well as during special open studio events. Today my assistant and I painted the space, and for the rest of the week...I will be moving in my furniture. I will make an announcement when the space is open and ready for shoppers. I am also having a grand opening holiday stay tuned.

In other news...Frolick was recently featured on a blog called Flights of Fancy. Here's the link to check it out....

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I have been busy with holiday shows such as Vino Moda, a 2 day show that included wine tasting and shopping. The event was held at Fort Mason here in San Francisco. I met lots of great designers including jewelry designer Dara Ettinger and clothing designer Stella Neptune. I was able to do some trading (my favorite pastime) for a really cool T-shirt and a blazer with butterflies silk screened on it. I am also excited to announce that I am opening a design studio here in San Francisco. I am hoping to have a grand opening party around the first week in December. I will be in good company with lots of other clothing designers, boutiques, salons, artist, and more. More to come on that soon!!