Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Day and a Half of Relaxation!

I can't believe it is already Thanksgiving! Where does the time go? I am looking forward to a tasty family dinner tomorrow and just relaxing. Then Friday, it is back to work. I am preparing the studio for the Grand Opening next week and I am also making pieces for all of my upcoming shows. I will post a list soon. I am very excited about a photo shoot for the studio. I met a great photographer Karina Marie Diaz...she does amazing work and she is coming to the studio before the event to take some pictures. So for those of you that can't make the event, there will be lots of photos here on the blog. This is also the season for holiday parties. I am looking forward to 2 of them this coming week. Also, I thought I would post a before picture of the studio...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Do to my inside connection, I was offered a sneak peek of the studio this weekend - it's awesome!